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♥`iloveyou :D


♥Tuesday, March 9, 2010 (:
Hold my hands, dont let go ♥6:16 AM

Gahhhh, i didn't do as my new year resolution says to blog every sunday >.<
It was such a terribly busy week for me perhaps? I was sick last thurs, so i didnt go to school. Heaven, staying at home and resting. Wonderful. In the end i had to work through the night cause of the biculture report like wth .__. Poor me and zimin =X both of us fell sick and both were absent from school.
Returned back to school on fri, had a terribly long day, I kept having headache during CCA cause we were like under the sun and the sweltering heat like totally killed me.__. Then went tuition, can't remember exactly what happened then though -- concussion lala.

Saturday was another fine day, i played audition for like 9 and a half hours=X abit extreme i know but haiya i also dont know what to say about it. Saw cheryl online though, and bought her a cash shirt. thank me cheryl (: And blah blah thats how i wasted my entire saturday.

Sunday, early in the morning, woked up for a meeting online, but since i was quite early and there is nothing felt like doing, i went to play audition. Lawls. And, that interesting thing happened. Some idiot, using a noob account (Celestialman) came and act like my audi cpl, saying that his account got banned and stuffs like that. This guy kept insulting me just cause i was playing club. Like what the hell? I was so pissed off when that faker asked for a break and so i did. Then as i was playing, the very smart me suddenly realised that he doesnt talk like my cpl does. LIKE WTH. After confirmation, i realised that i was cheated by that BASTARD. Seriously, he is childish enough to wanna see people break up? Or does it have something against me that he wanted to do that? Seriously, he is an effing bastard who has nothing better to do .___. gahhhh, anyway, i have decided to not be pissed off at that idiot.

Monday, a freaking long day. I was so so so so so shagged. I have no idea why i was feeling unwell like from the beginning of the day, nausea and headache. During PE lessons, we had badminton and i am like totally off-form. I cant even see the shuttlecock coming towards me x.X I have like totally no appetite, i dont know why D: haishh skipped lunch just to sleep in class lol. Then had chinese test. I dont think i screwed that up though it was quite okay i guess.. The damn humid weather totally killed me~

Today, tuesday. Supposed to have chem prac but i skipped it cause our "careful" zimin missed a step and fell off the stairs. Great sprain she had. Accompanied her to the GO with kelly and taikee. Waited with her till her mum comes. So nice of us *smiles*. Chinese lesson, nothing much to do i guess? Skipped it as well, though we heard that our chinese teacher is not coming to class today. LangArts lesson was disgusting. I was told that my speech's pace was too fast and tehre are too much jargons in my speech. Ohmygawd. So upsettingD: Then its CCA(: Supposed to have taught my sec ones kekenan lurus, keluar baris and bersurai today but we didnt managed too cause they cant get even the most basic sediya and senangdiri. But, nevermind, we still have ITC to polish them hahas. Nothing else happened though, same things for every act, scold drill then scold and drill again. I feel so tired and sick now D: My knees are hurting again.. Thats all folks. Will update again soon (:
P.S Get well soon ZiMin~

♥Sunday, February 28, 2010 (:
Hold my hands, dont let go ♥1:09 AM

Am i suppose to feel like that?

It has been really long since i last posted and my blog is officially D-E-A-D. Anyway, i am so going to revive it again with a weekly post kindda thing i guess. So yups, today is 十五, the lat day of chinese new year so i am gonna make all my resolutions of the year, lets hope it will come true (:

1. I will not hand in my homework late, and i will study for EVERY test from now
2. I will participate actively in CCA and not slack (:
3. I will try to keep my blog active from now on.
4. I will ty to be nice to everyone, i will not hate anyone, i will just dislike.

Now, the rants i have about my life during those days that i have not been blogging.

Well, lets start from academic stuffs first:D

The previous week was TERRIBLE. We had like tests that never seem to end, and the post test feelings was like : shit, i wont get my As. It is a stupid feeling seriously. This week was not that bad though, it was just a SCS timed assignment. I screwed it up :/ Didn't manage to finish the damn essay and ended like super abruptly. The good thing about the end of SCS assignment was that, I have no more tests for the week already (: [and yeah, i am laughing at those bio and history students] There is only 2 words to describe my GPA for this term --- Gone Case. I am so so so so so so so so so so so screwed :/ Well nevermind, i still have another 90% more to go (:

P.S Losers who are happy over the fact that you beat me in your GPA, you will need to reflect on yourself, how stupid is it to goad over the fact that you won me when i am the last in class? ._____. And also, dont worry cause u will take over my place really soon *smiles*

Hmmm, then CCA.

My squad came in already, three cheers (: Three acts have passed and i am like WOW time really flies when you are having fun really tired. The before&after feeling is totally different. Initially,i was still happily talking about what i will do with the little kids in my squad when i was suddenly informed that i had to take squad, i have had a cold feet. It was hard, I felt like a teacher, trying to get the attention of kids that are not at all interested in the subject and are feeling like why are they even here to waste their time. I was not exactly please with my performance. And gahhh, i needa improve on my pitching. The post feeling was really like, phews a day had passed. And then the second act, could not exactly remember what happen. But it was still another day of hard work. THIRD ACT. The most recent one, I LOVE IT! (: We scolded them like for half an hour before the start of act. What a bad way to start a day especially when three out of the four was having a terrible throat .____. Anyway, we had drill which was quite okay i guess, taught them sedia and senang diri. Then, we had PT. I like the way they shouted, they stunned their seniors woohoo (: Keep it up sec 1s !

tada i am done. Now for today and yesterday.
Yesterday was "class" outing, out of our 38, only 10 went --- Kelly, Tianli, Cheryl, Zimin, Abigail, Hueychyi, Liheng, Junweng, Desmond and ME. Zimin and Desmond came after we had our lunch at Pasta Mania. funny. After lunch, we took a "class" photo then went to cotton on. After awhile, many many people left. Left with me, tianli, liheng and junweng. We discussed REALLY long until finally WE decided to go kbox. Made my membership card and so on total amount i paid : $35.30 lawls. We left kbox at 8 plus. Quite fun and i discovered something. That is, the guys and the girls have a HUGE generation gap. You hear the guys singing old drama songs by weird singers whom i have never heard of before and hear the girls singing a new generation of songs (: Thats all. I have to chiong my homework already.
No more class outings please =X

♥Thursday, February 11, 2010 (:
Hold my hands, dont let go ♥6:22 AM

I have had enough of his childishness.
We have broken up, am i suppose to be happy or upset?
Divorced, no more James.

♥Saturday, January 30, 2010 (:
Hold my hands, dont let go ♥6:21 AM

Back from OBS and i am totally shagged with burnt lips.

(one piece of advice, dont play play with the sun, not fun at all)
First day:

Went to school early in the morning with a very bulky bag. Seriously i dreaded going to OBS. I felt that it is CRAP, BULLSHIT plus RUBBISH and a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. We were told to queue up in the hall and so on, bla bla bla, we board the bus and set off towards pulau ubin. Upon reaching Ubin, i was shocked. It was a totally different campsite from the resilience camp that i go for my ATC and STC. The entire leadership course started with the normal ice breaking sessions and after that some lessons on belaying and tent-pitching techniques.

Second day:

Woke up and we had high elements. I was doing most of the belaying, didn't really do the high element at all, cause when i wanted to do it, it started to rain. I had mixed feelings about the rain -- i heaved a sigh of relief but at the same time felt that it was such a pity i did not get to try it. Before the session started, i told myself, i will do it no matter what, since i am here in this torturous camp, i will make this trip worthwhile. After the high ropes, we had kayaking lessons, kayaked from camp 1 to camp 2. No huge waves no nothing peaceful and nice, though i told myself, i am so going to get a muscle ache tomorrow. The same thing happened at night, tent-pitching, field cooking and then SLEEP!!!

Third day:

ANOTHER ROUND OF KAYAKING but this time towards camp 3 (the distance is 12km), this kayaking experience should probably stay with me for life. The sun probably hates us, after some blazing hot sun, it started to rain. The water was choppy, the tides were huge and i am scared. I was tired after a few hours of kayaking against the tides, the stupid kayak refused to go in the desired direction >.<>

Fourth day:

The swollen lips did not decrease much in size even after the sun is out. I couldn't drink water nor eat =.= everything that entered dropped out almost immediately, i simply cant close my lips. Later part of the day, after SPAMMING LOTS and LOTS of water into my mouth, the swelling was reduced. We were supposed to trek back to camp 1. We walked 7 plus km in like nearly 4 hours, at lunch time, we were only at the FIRST checkpoint. Ridiculously slow, out goal is to reach camp 1 by 4.30 but it was seen as an impossible mission if the pace remains the same. After lunch, we set off at a much faster pace, i think i exceeded my limit, i walked in front, the reason being i wanted to use the toilet, all of a sudden, the toilet became my focus, i forgot about the bag, it is as though i had a sugar rush. When we reached the toilet, we realised we covered about 4 km in an hour. It is shocking how fast we can get. We completed the entire trekking and reached camp 1 at approximately 4.45, about 10 plus minutes behind the scheduled time. A sense of achievement was all that i felt, a journey i deemed impossible to complete, i completed it together with all my watchmates. This trekking brought all of us together, the encouragements we gave to one another, the random conversations we engaged in. Brought us closer and closer together. We had our celebration dinner and we were supposed to cook using fresh ingredients, everyone did a good job. I am sorry that i did not do much cause i really do not know how to start cooking the stuffs. Anyway, Xiaodan, you are a good cook. All of us each had a fruit name(:

Fifth day:

It is time to go home, I was happy, i missed my bed i missed my computer and i missed everything i have in Singapore mainland. But when we had the string activity, at the moment when our instructor peilee cut the strings, i suddenly felt like crying, relunctance to leave my watchmates, i felt i have not appreciated my groupmates enough. Thank you TOCKSENG for giving me such memorable memories, thank you PEILEE for being the dressing to our salad, thanks for making us the most delicious fruit salad ever (: WE LOVE YOU PEILEE!♥

♥Saturday, January 23, 2010 (:
Hold my hands, dont let go ♥3:56 AM

CIP today. Bused to boonlay and reached at 6.50 am. When i saw taikee's sms i reached already then she say she will be late so change to 7.25 LOL! laugh die me la. Went to fair price xtra to walk walk as its the only place open at this time. When she reached, we took 240 to the taman jurong CC. gosh, this is getting boring =.="

At the CC, after registering, we sat outside waiting for the briefing to start and blablablah. Me and Taikee in the same group(: I bet she felt damn lucky that she's with me:D We are suppose to cover one entire HDB block and help to publicize the recycling project, spring bazaar and the children's workshop organised by the CC. Door by door we went, all the people there are quite nice i guess, at the very least, didnt slam the door right into our faces.One of the more interesting happenings was that we were mistook to be sec1 and sec2 by not just one of the units but 2 units. Also, when we went to one of the malay units, the small malay boy blew a flying kiss to me ;shy. He is sooooo cute! After finishing the entire block, we were thirsty and hungry. Bought bandung to drink then went to the gathering place and crapped with friends. When the entire debrief and so on was over, me, taikee, bocheng and his friend, Ryan (should be like that spell), went to JP to eat.

So we had lunch at PizzaHut. My first time this year. We ate a 4-person chinese new year set. Its filling .__. Reflections after that was that it is still kind of weird eating with someone who dont know me and i dont know him. Even though now i know him le but its still weird... OKay, after this me and taikee went home. (btw, bocheng i owe you $1.45)

When i reached home, as usual on every saturday afternoon if i am not going out, i played audition.


AND AND I GOT 1.6 mil score for CC4 INSANE MODE. *clapclap*
(though its nth to be proud of since i am 5th .__. )

Yeah and thats all, i am off to pack my OBS stufs.
OBS, can you be canceled? D:
Reply to MeiWen~ James is my couple. (edited 12feb)

♥Thursday, January 21, 2010 (:
Hold my hands, dont let go ♥6:14 AM

9 days since i last posted (:

I am going to reflect on wat i have done this week:D nothing much other than school BUT STILL, i am going to make my blog ACTIVE!

It has been a really busy week for me. I kind of revise one topic on alternate nights. I cant help but pity myself. I tried to sleep before 10 everyday and i succeeded until today =.= Spent the entire evening after school chiong-ing the stupid CID PI with Cheryl. I am seriously bad at it can? x.X Because of that, i haven't done my freaking math assignment and physics assignments. (notice the "s"?) there is SCS essay waiting for me tomorrow OH GOD .___. AND AND AND i have not polished my boots and pinned my badges... no way i am going to do that until i finish my freaking assignments(:

JC uniform for the win btw (: makes an ugly person look nicer!!! (i am refering to myself) not to the extent of chio or anything but its definitely MUCH MUCH MUCH nicer than the junior high ones, so SENIOR.HIGH rocks. The suddenly attained power that didnt used to be mine :D Yes, i am the senior that bullies all the juniors in my school ;hoho *kidding*

OBS is this coming monday btw. This means that i will MIA again =.= dont miss me people~

AUDI UPDATES: James say he will marry me:D

Above is a video I took of the pipe that burst in school on a rainy day. The school is NEW okay? Its only January and the pipe burst:D What a great contractor they hired isn't it? HAHAHA.

Tag Replies~

Lynn - ;lub you love my tagboard so much? or is it me that you love? (:

MeiWen - Yeah, my internet is working again. AWESOME! :D :D :D

♥Monday, January 11, 2010 (:
Hold my hands, dont let go ♥5:38 AM

ilovedie DO.RE.MI.FA!♥

I slept at four, woke at five =.= this one hour of sleep is so satisfying~ Today had very little lessons as many of the teachers need to go for some course of some sort. Great time after lunch cause i did mainly sleeping(:

I am screwed cause i wore the wrong colour, and our shirts are suppose to be kindda translucent.
I am screwed cause i brought my graphic calculator, and i forgot to bring the batteries.
I am screwed cause i didn't understand what maths lesson was about.
I am screwed cause i fell asleep during the film, and i have no idea how do the questions.
I am screwed cause i have not started on my homework.

i am so so screwed today~

Btw, 'O' levels results are out. CONGRATULATIONS TO LEKJIAYING (DO) & CHIAWEISHUANG (FA) in getting an A1 for your CHINESE!!!!! looking forward to celebrating with you people(:

DO.RE.MI.FA is so gonna unite one day, lets make it a saturday:D

TAG REPLY: meiwen~ why u keep oh lol when u tag? ROFL. anyway, i created a onsugar account cause of you la. dont you feel honoured?! laugh die me^^